Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Hair lossBald Spot on The Crown, What Is the Best Solution?

Bald Spot on The Crown, What Is the Best Solution?

Hair loss is a fairly common occurrence in everyone. At the very least, biologically speaking, we all lose a certain amount of hair on a daily basis. However, if you are experiencing rapid hair loss, particularly at your crown, you should see your Doctor immediately to ensure that it does not become permanent. But if you already have a bald crown, you still shouldn’t lose hope. We assisted you in outlining some simple steps you can take to remedy your situation.

A bald spot on the crown is not only unsightly, but it can also be an indication of a more serious underlying health problem, whether a scalp condition or not. For example, some medical conditions, such as alopecia areata, can cause hair loss in some people. A variety of other reasons may have caused your bald crown as well. This post, however, will not be about that. More information on this can be found in our other articles. Instead, this post will concentrate on the solutions to this problem.

What to do if you have a bald spot on your crown

When it comes to dealing with a bald crown, there are two basic options. The simplest and most straightforward solution is to conceal it. A concealment is a fantastic option for people who are either skeptical about the use of medications or concerned about the complexity of any medical procedure. It is also great for individuals who choose to take it as a temporary treatment while they regrow their hair.

Nevertheless, suppose concealment does not prove to be effective for you. In that case, you may choose to consider the other option: hair restoration, which is becoming increasingly popular among people who suffer from permanent hair loss.

Let’s have a look at options and see what methods are available under each.

Conceal using good hair care products

This is one of the most basic and efficient ways to respond to your balded crown. There are numerous hair care and style products in the market that will not just help with a thinning crown. For example, if you’ve been using wax or gel, it’s time to stop. Because instead of covering your balding crown, these products will rather weigh down your hair and make the crown more noticeable. That is not something you want. If you must use a styling product, try lightweight ones. Powders and sprays work well as alternatives.

You can also conceal using hairstyles

You can hide your bald crown as a natural strategy to avoid public attention. With a perfect hairdo, people won’t tell if you have a bald crown, at least not individuals who don’t know you. And a well-chosen haircut can help you do just that. There are several hairstyles available to help you accurately conceal your bald crown. You may only need to ask your barber for a recommendation, or you may want to look up numerous styles available online to find one that you like.

If, on the other hand, you desire a one-time therapy, consider these last two possibilities.

Try medications

Thanks to medical progress, you can reverse your bald crown with the help of these two FDA-approved medical treatments: finasteride and minoxidil, both of which are prescription medications, have been medically proven to counteract hair loss and initiate hair regeneration.

Finasteride, also known as Propecia, is the most effective medicine available to treat male pattern baldness. This medication targets the enzyme responsible for the conversion of testosterone into DHT. In other words, it works by inhibiting the enzyme that is responsible for DHT production in the first place.

Finasteride has been shown to be beneficial in preventing hair follicle shrinking time and time again in many clinical studies. In one of such studies involving more than 6,000 participants, it was discovered that finasteride effectively treated and prevented hair loss in 9 out of every 10 patients. A more recent study also found that the vast majority of hair loss cases that were treated with finasteride resulted in the regrowth of the hair.

There’s also Minoxidil or Rogaine as it’s most commonly known. While this medication does not affect the hormones that cause hair loss, it improves the health of your hair follicles by improving blood flow to the area where the hair follicles are damaged. This increase in blood flow allows the follicle to be adequately supplied with oxygen and nutrients, which in turn increases its ability to produce hair. Minoxidil, like Finasteride, is used for more than only hair loss prevention. In 60% of cases, minoxidil users have hair regrowth.

Hair transplant

There is only one permanent remedy for hair loss: hair transplant. A hair transplant is a surgical procedure in which hair is transplanted to parts of the scalp that are bald or thinning. People who have already tried alternative methods of hair loss treatment may benefit from hair restoration or hair replacement.

There are two most used methods for hair transplantation. The Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT).

During an FUE procedure, individual hair follicles are extracted and transplanted in a different area on the scalp, the crown in this case. On the other hand, the FUT procedure involves taking a long portion of the scalp and separating and transferring the hair follicles to a different location.

You can obtain advice deciding which option is ideal for you by speaking with your Doctor or scheduling an early consultation with the Surgeon you want to have the treatment.


Temporary hair loss can soon progress to a permanent one, which is why, when it comes to managing a thinning crown, prompt action is essential. This is because the longer you wait to treat it, the more damaged your hair follicles become. And because the follicles are responsible for creating the environment necessary for hair growth, a damaged follicle means that hair growth will come to a halt. That’s something you surely wouldn’t want.


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