In this day and age, hair has become a very important element in people’s personalities. The variety of haircuts and hair colors give life to different urban cultures and ways of expression. When you reach 20 years old and you begin to suffer from alopecia you may see it as the end of the world. But is it really?
There is a solution for every problem, and premature baldness also has one. There are several kinds of baldness. Some are due to specific situations, and once they pass, hair is recovered. Let’s talk a little bit about premature alopecia, distinguished by weak and thin hair. The moment you detect this situation you must go to the doctor.
What is premature alopecia
Also known as androgenic alopecia, it is the loss of hair in early ages. It is the premature aging of hair, joined by the loss of that hair. The head begins to get patchy, you have hair, but it’s not enough to cover the scalp.
Some causes of baldness, like stress, depression, any infection in the scalp, an illness or psychological problems, may lead to temporary hair loss. In this case you don’t have to worry too much, only start looking for a way to stop the fall and wait until you recover your hair.
What causes early baldness?
The causes of premature alopecia may be very diverse, learn some of them:
- Genetics: It is a condition that is sometimes hereditary, if there are cases o baldness in your family, you might suffer from it. The excessive production of testosterone affects the hair follicles that are exposed to the sun and originate the fall.
- Anemia or calorie restriction: To avoid having weak hair, a balanced diet, rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals is the answer. Avoid alcohol and foods high in fat.
- Illnesses: Some illnesses prevent the body to absorb certain kinds of vitamins. This results in weakened hair and hair loss.
What percentage of people start losing hair in their 20s?
When alopecia at 20 years old is discussed, the percentage of it due to hereditary factors rises to a 20% in men. Women suffer less from hereditary baldness, so the percentage is much lower. As thw person gets older the percentage rises. Starting from 30 years old, the percentage is 30% and it can reach 50% once they are through the 50 years old mark.
Psychological problems that may be caused by alopecia at 20 years old
It has always been said that hair is a symbol of youth. It represents an important point in people’s aesthetics, both men and women. Hair loss might bring along some psychological problems.
- Troubles to accept the situation and feeling good about your appearance.
- Loss of confidence and self-esteem.
- Feelings of helplessness, rage, that change your mood.
- They may lead to states of anxiety and depression.
How to accept premature baldness
Even if no one wants to be bald and much less at 20 years old, it is a condition that sometimes cannot be helped. You may have to accept the fact in the best way and start looking for solutions, the look, and the new way of seeing your appearance. The faster you achieve that, the easier the adaptation process will be. Follow this recommendations to start accepting this new stage of your life.
- Exercise maintains a good mood. If you are feeling depressed, a little exercise will make you feel vigorous. And, with time, you will notice an improvement in your body and physique and the baldness problem will lack importance when you notice how good you look.
- Maintain the humor. In this moment, bald people are in fashion. So laugh at the jokes your friends make about your head and think about how you belong to the elite of handsome bald people in the world.
- Change your look. Take advantage of the fame bald people have of beng inteligent and interesting and adopt a look that enhances your physique.
- Visit a psychologist. If you feel like you are losing confidence, don’t think twice about going to a psychologist. They will help you overcome and accept the condition and you will be back at being the same as always.
How to battle premature alopecia
Because this process has a genetic origin, the only way to battle it is with medicine. You will not be able to recover the lost hair, but you will stop the fall and make the hair age at the right pace.
The most used medicine between men of 18 to 50 years old are Finasteride and Minoxidil. Once you start taking them, 3 to 6 months will pass until hair loss is stabilized. The treatment should not be interrupted.
In the worst cases you can always opt for hair grafts. These operations do not cure alopecia, they are hair transplants. The operation consists of moving hair from the nape of the head to the affected area.
Either way, if there are any cases of alopecia in your family, it is convenient that, even before you show any symptoms, you maintain a balanced diet, correct hygiene for the hair and and avoid quemical processes that might quicken the hair loss.
Keeping a strong hair and going to the doctor when you begin noticing the first signs of hair loss. If you perceive it on time, you can stop the process, and enjoy your hair a little more.
Alopecia at 20 years old can be a very unpleasant thing that you have to treat and accept. The good thing is there are many ways to stop it, and with the help of specialists you will manage to accept your condition.
Do not allow this affliction to lower your self-esteem. Surely, you will find the right look and keep being the attractive person you always were. But now with your new look. You must change your mentality about masculine alopecia and female alopecia. And accet the condition with your head held high.
Keywords used in this article: alopecia, premature baldness, baldness, losing hair, premature alopecia, weak hair, hair loss, premature hair aging, causes of baldness, recover hair, early age alopecia, baldness at 20 years old, fall of hair, lost hair, masculine alopecia, feminine alopecia, alopecia at 20 years old.