Saturday, September 7, 2024
Hair lossDoes Being a Vegetarian Cause Hair Loss?

Does Being a Vegetarian Cause Hair Loss?

Vegetarianism entails a food regimen that excludes all forms of meat and seafood. However, there are many permutations on this theme; for example, some individuals who adhere to a vegan diet may consume eggs and dairy products, while others may abstain from either one or both of these categories. In this article we will talk about Does Being a Vegetarian Cause Hair Loss?

One of the most common side effects of switching to a vegan diet is experiencing hair thinning. On the other hand, if you follow a healthy vegan diet that provides all the nutrients you require, you won’t have hair loss.

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Iron Deficiency

Ferritin reserves are often lower in vegans than they are in meat eaters. Therefore, if you follow a vegan diet, you have a greater risk of developing signs of iron deficiency. Some people may find that having lower ferritin levels is beneficial since it lowers their chance of developing chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. However, this could cause hair loss on a vegetarian diet if your ferritin levels are really low.

Low Vitamin B12

It is difficult to overstate the significance of vitamin B12 as nutrition. Additionally, a lack of vitamin B12 concerns everyone, not just vegans. Without a steady flow of oxygen, you will eventually pass away. The situation is the same with your hair. It is essential to ensure that your hair follicles receive an adequate blood supply. The issue is that your body needs B12 to produce red blood cells.

Your body will not produce sufficient red blood cells to deliver oxygen to your hair if you are not taking a B12 vitamin daily. If you already have a B12 deficiency, you will need to consume considerably more to bring your levels back up to normal.

Low Amount of Biotin

Low Amount of Biotin

Low biotin levels are found in fifty percent of women experiencing hair loss. The body can produce some biotin on its own, but it is not enough to completely meet your needs. Therefore, you need to incorporate more biotin into your diet.

You will require more biotin if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. The majority of biotin can be found in foods derived from animals. It would be best if you took extra precautions to receive adequate biotin from a vegan diet.

Low Zinc Levels

A lack of zinc, which is prevalent among vegans and may contribute to hair loss, can occur following a vegan diet. The following are the primary warning indicators that indicate your zinc levels are low:

  • Dry skin
  • Brittle nails
  • Experiencing a high number of common colds and flu

If you follow a vegan diet and see that your hair is falling out, you should consider taking a zinc supplement. Whole grains and seeds are rich sources of zinc; nevertheless, they contain a significant amount of phytic acid. Make sure you are preparing these foods properly to get the most out of them.

Low Cysteine

Vegetarian Cause Hair Loss

Cysteine is a kind of protein that is necessary for the development of new hair.  It would be best if you had cysteine to create keratin. Cysteine makes up 14% of keratin. If you do not consume enough cysteine, the keratin in your hair can become brittle and fragile, and you will not have healthy hair.

Generating keratin without cysteine is analogous to constructing a table out of wood by only balancing the individual planks on top of one another without using nails, screws, or adhesive. In a nutshell, it’s going to disintegrate into nothingness.

Make sure you consume a sufficient amount of protein daily, focusing on foods especially rich in cysteines, such as tofu, lentils, oats, and sunflower seeds.  Taking additional cysteine in supplement form could also be of assistance. Studies have shown that taking cysteine in supplement form can speed up the rate at which hair grows.

Lack Of Lysine

Vegetarian Cause Hair Loss

Lysine is a necessary amino acid, which means your body cannot produce it independently. The consumption of food can only obtain lysine. You won’t be able to add to your iron stores if you don’t get enough lysine. And if you don’t have enough iron in your body, you won’t be able to generate sufficient red blood cells to nourish your hair follicles.

Beans and pulses are abundant sources, so it is essential to consume them frequently. Be sure you are getting the appropriate amount of protein for the level of activity and lifestyle choices, particularly if you are an athlete or play many sports.

Overdosed On Selenium

Vegetarian Cause Hair Loss

Your energy levels, thyroid, and immune system will benefit greatly from getting the selenium your body needs. But if you take in an excessive amount, you risk selenium poisoning. Hair loss is among the most prominent indicators of selenium intoxication.

Brazil nuts are the primary cause of selenium overdose. Because they are so rich in selenium, you can satisfy your body’s selenium requirements by eating only one to two Brazil nuts per day. Toxic levels of selenium may develop in your body if you consistently consume more than the recommended amount.

Your body has difficulty eliminating excess selenium, so it does its best to do so through the hair and digestive tract, which can result in hair loss, nausea, and diarrhea. Selenium toxicity can also cause kidney damage.

A balanced plant-based diet should include nuts as a staple food item. They are not only fantastic providers of protein and healthy fats but can also assist you in shedding extra pounds. A vegan diet, except for Brazil nuts, has very little selenium; therefore, you should be mindful of consuming it in large quantities.

Unveiling the Myth: Does Being a Vegetarian Cause Hair Loss?

First things first, a solid vegetarian diet can give you all the good stuff your body needs, including what your hair needs to stay healthy. Hair loss isn’t just about what you eat; it’s a mix of things like genes, hormones, stress, and your overall health. Here are some myths that we might need to debunk.

  1. Protein

People often link protein with hair growth, and some worry that going veggie might mean not getting enough protein. But if you plan your meals right, you can totally meet your protein needs as a vegetarian. There’s a bunch of plant-based protein sources like legumes, beans, tofu, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. Quinoa is a winner here because it’s a complete protein – that means it’s got all the essential amino acids your body can’t make on its own.

  1. Iron

Iron is another thing to think about because not having enough can lead to hair thinning and loss. Red meat is usually the go-to for iron, but veggies can get their fix from things like lentils, spinach, tofu, and iron-fortified cereals. Throw in some vitamin C-rich foods, and you’ll help your body absorb that iron from plant sources like a pro.

  1. Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are another big deal for overall health and, yep, your hair. Fish is a classic source, but if you’re veggie, you can grab your omega-3s from flaxseeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and walnuts. These fats keep your scalp in check, which is great for hair growth.

  1. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a must for nerve function and making red blood cells, and it’s mainly in animal products. Vegans, especially, need to make sure they’re getting enough B12 from fortified foods or supplements. A lack of B12 can bring on fatigue and hair loss.

  1. Zinc and vitamin D

Zinc and vitamin D are also on the list for good hair vibes. Zinc, found in seeds, nuts, and whole grains, keeps your hair follicles happy, while vitamin D, from the sun and fortified foods, plays a part in your hair’s cycle.

Here’s the deal – being a vegetarian on its own won’t make your hair fall out. It’s all about what you eat within that vegetarian diet and how healthy you are overall. Crash diets and going to extremes can mess with your body and your hair, so watch out for that.

  1. Lysine

Lysine is a necessary amino acid, which means your body cannot produce it independently. The consumption of food can only obtain lysine. You won’t be able to add to your iron stores if you don’t get enough lysine. And if you don’t have enough iron in your body, you won’t be able to generate sufficient red blood cells to nourish your hair follicles.

Beans and pulses are abundant sources, so it is essential to consume them frequently. Be sure you are getting the appropriate amount of protein for the level of activity and lifestyle choices, particularly if you are an athlete or play many sports.


It is not uncommon for those who follow a vegan diet to experience hair loss. However, some individuals are more prone to vitamin deficits that lead to hair thinning than others. If you have just switched to a vegan diet and have noticed that you are experiencing hair loss, you should pay close attention to the food you are consuming and seek medical attention if the problem persists.


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