During pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through many changes that might develop some consequences. One of them is losing hair after the birth. Perhaps, when you notice your hair falls out in greater amount you might get alarmed. But remember that your body will slowly go back to normal.
Giving birth to another being requires strong modifications in your body. Besides, the baby is taking nutrients from you and that may weaken you and also weaken your scalp. Postpartum hair loss does exist. Stay with us and learn everything about it.
What is postpartum hair loss
It is the lost of hair in an abundant quantity after 4 weeks of the birth. It is a noticeable loss, because the hair falls massively and leaves traces on the brush, pillows and shower. The process lasts about 16 weeks. After that time, you will notice how the falling ceases and your hair begins to recover.
You do not have to panic, this is normal, something you must face after you give birth. It is not permanent and has a solution. It happens due to hormonal changes a woman goes through during and after pregnancy.
Hormonal changes that happen to women after giving birth that may cause postpartum alopecia
Once a woman gives birth, there is a decrease in placental hormones. Amongst them, estrogen and progesterone. This increases prolactin, unblocking the mammary gland. A stop in the hormonal activity also stops in a general way in all of the organism.
The amount of times a woman need to pee rises, along with sweatinf, making her lose water and sodium. The decrease of estrogen and progesterone and an elevated presence of prolactin, creates the weakening and falling of hair. If we add loss of sodium, water and other nutrients, this would be the cause of hair loss at this stage.
Symptoms of postpartum hair loss
The signs are very noticeable and will appear more or less a month after giving birth.
- Loss of volume in your hair.
- Thin and brittle hair.
- Big chunks of hair in the brush after brushing.
- Hairs on the pillow after waking up.
- Chunks of hair on the shower or bathtub.
As you can see, it’s easy to detect postpartum hair loss. If you discover this symptoms do not be alarmed. Follow the tips we will give you later on and wait out the normal cycle. Your hair will stop falling and it will be easy to recover hair again.
Causes of postpartum hair loss
The causes that generate postpartum hair loss are:
- Drastic hormonal changes.
- Ceasing of the hair growth cycle because of low levels os estrogen and progesterone.
- During pregnancy, the level of estrogen and progesterone rises and hair gets thicker and more abundant. The hair that should have fallen, doesn’t. Agter giving birth, the levels of this hormones decrease and the hair falls.
- Stess and anxiety due to the care of the baby and the fear of not doing it right.
What does breastfeeding have to do with hair loss
Even if amongst these hormonal changes there is the rise in prolactin, which causes hair loss, this affliction is not due to breastfeedin, after giving birth, but the rise and fall of certain hormones. The proof is in the fact that women who do not breastfeed their children after giving birth lose their hair just like the ones that do.
How to lessen postpartum hair loss
As it is a natural process, you will not be able to stop it. At least 50% of women suffer from postpartum alopecia. But you can take a few precautions to make sure the hair loss is not as excessive.
The process lasts between 3 to 6 months. But if you manage to make the hair loss less abundant you will not feel as psychologically affected by it, as the hair regenerates.
- Feed yourself well. The hair is nourished from what you eat. You have to maintain a good nutrition, eat meats, chicken, vegetables and fruits. Like this, the hair will receive those nutrients and minerals from blood. Besides, you will be striving towards a healthier body.
- Do not forget the iron. Other of the most frequent afflictions in women after giving birth is anemia. Take iron supplements to avoid suffering from it. This illness is an enemy of hair and provoques it’s falling.
- Avoid the hair dryer. Even if you want to recover your aesthetics after 9 months with a completely different body than usual. In this stage, do not overuse the hair dryers and straighteners. Overheating the hair will make the fall more abundant.
- Do not use quemicals. This is something you must know, since they’re completely forbidden during the time you breastfeed. But if you are not breastfeeding your baby and the hair keeps falling out, do not use dyes or perms.
- Favor products that work with your hair type. If you hace greasy hair do not use products for dry hair, and viceversa. During this stage, favor gentle shampoos with neutral pH.
- Activate the blood flow. Apply gentle massages every night from the neck to the nape of your head to activate microcirculation.
- Use vitamins. You can use hair ampoules that nourish and give strenght to your hair. The strengthened it is, the less abundant the hair loss will be.
Sadly, postpartum hair loss exists. It is an unavoidable situation that affects 50% of women that give birth. You do not have to worry, because in 6 months your hair will grow back, and it will be strong and healthy if you take care of of it correctly.
Knowing this will happen and that there is no way to stop it, the best thing to do is have a good diet and strengthen your hair while waiting for that moment. This way, you will lessen that unavoidable hair loss.
Key-words used in this article: losing hair, postpartum hair loss, hair loss, loss of hair, postpartum loss of hair, recover hair, hair growth cycle.